hypnotherapy for health anxiety


Hypnotherapy is not about waving watches in front of your eyes or making you do things you don’t want to like we see in stage shows. It most definitely isn’t about someone else taking over your mind. It is totally safe and non-invasive and you will remain completely in control throughout whilst enjoying the benefits of deep relaxation.

So how does it work ?

Our sessions begin with me guiding you through some breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation, allowing you to find a tranquil space away from the issues that brought you to therapy. I write personal scripts tailored uniquely to you which aids the process. This pleasant state of deep relaxation  allows us to access your sub conscious, letting us talk to the bit of your mind that controls so much of how we think and feel. Hypnosis does this by bypassing your Conscious Critical Faculty, allowing your non-critical, non-logical subconscious mind to accept alternative, more helpful suggestions and ways of thinking.

Hypnotherapy works effectively to help us conquer unwanted habits like smoking or over eating. It can help with many other issues including phobias and debilitating fears, social anxiety, stress, low self esteem and poor sports performance. I have used it on myself to great effect when faced with my first operation and a public speaking event so I know how well it can work.

I have also seen with my clients how effective hypnotherapy can be when someone is struggling with the symptoms of grief, offering a gentle tool to unlock emotions that are so hard to express when we are bereaved.  It can help bypass the silence and barriers that keep us trapped, giving a voice to the pain of loss and allowing us to gently find our way again.

Please contact me if you are considering hypnotherapy and would like to know more about working together. I offer stand alone hypnotherapy sessions or hypnotherapy combined in a blended approach alongside counselling depending on your needs.